Omaha Futsal League Rules
Number of players
All games will be 6v6 (five field players plus one goalkeeper)
Unlimited substitutions will be permitted. Substitutions may me be made during any stoppage in play at the discretion of the referee.
All players must wear shin guards.
Home team should wear LIGHT jersey color. Away team should wear DARK jersey color.
League will supply the game ball.
Length of Game
All games will be 40 minutes in length with a two-minute halftime. Teams must exit the field quickly upon conclusion of the game.
Rules of Play
Play will be governed by the FIFA Laws of the game, except where amended by the US Youth Soccer Rules of Play, and /or the Omaha Futsal League Rules
There will be regular throw-ins, goal kicks and corner kicks.
There is NO OFFSIDE.
Heading the soccer ball will not be allowed. A header shall result in a indirect free kick awarded to the opponent at the spot of the infraction.
All games will be played with a size 4 futsal ball (supplied by the league).
All games will be played on a quarter of the field at the Omaha Sports Complex.
If the ball touches the ceiling or a wire, it is an in-direct kick for the opposing team directly below from where the ball touched the ceiling/wire.
No slide tackling or challenges from behind.
Goal box will be clearly marked.
Penalty kick will be taken at the top of the goal box.